How Excessive Head Sweating Problems are Best Managed

It might come as a surprise that there are a large number of people who are suffering from hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, even in parts of their body, not just their underarms. Such people could suffer hyperhidrosis on their face, hands, feet, back and genital region.

Generally one begins to sweat through ordinary activities like jogging, running or eating spicy food. However, some people have been found to sweat much less than others, and the level of activity of one’s sweat glands is responsible for this. On the other hand, some people have reported that they find certain parts of their bodies, like their foreheads, faces, scalps or necks sweat far more than other parts. This condition is not rare, and quite a few people have been found who experience it.

Needless to say, a person suffering from this condition will find it very embarrassing, as facial or head sweating is quite difficult to mask and even harder to deal with. Thus, while it is possible to disguise other types of sweating easily, sweat flowing down your face in huge beads and damp hair is not easy to hide. And it is this that is really the problem for a large number of people, as for obvious reasons, people generally shirk from having a smelly and sweaty head.

And it’s not just for aesthetic reasons that head sweating is a bother; it could also cause the scalp to itch and lead to the hair becoming unhealthy. Taking a regular bath with shampoo is a good way of dealing with this condition, but even this could accelerate excessive head sweating, sometimes. 

It is pretty obvious that – unless one has very short hair – a mat of damp hair dribbling with sweat would prove quite disadvantages to any efforts to check head sweating. This would promote the formation of more sweat, thus rendering any efforts to prevent the condition quite pointless.

A hairdryer is by no means a solution either. If you used it to dry your head, you would soon find your scalp getting too hot and beginning to sweat in order to cool your body. For obvious reasons, this is no good.

But don’t despair yet! A few methods that can help you control head sweating, if not prevent it completely exist. Some measures however, are quite drastic, and thus a consultation with your medical practitioner would be extremely advisable. It would also be a good idea to consult your doctor even if the treatment is harmless, as they would understand your health condition better.

So if you suffer from head sweating, don’t worry, there is hope yet. It is possible to control excessive head sweating and all you need is some time and patience to obtain the treatment which provides the best results for you. It might, however, be a good idea not to wear headgear like caps and hats until you’ve cured yourself of excessive head sweating, and reduce consumption of foods containing caffeine to prevent exacerbating the problem before you find help.



Information on Head Sweating problems is available here. Visit this Head Sweating blog.